Jorge Macchi

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1963. Studied art at the National School of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires. Lives and works in Buenos Aires.

Solo exhibitions (selection)

False autumn, Jorge Macchi, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy.
Las islas vírgenes, Jorge Macchi, Galería Elvira González, Madrid.
La estatura de la libertad, Jorge Macchi, Galeria Luisa Strina, Sao Paulo.
Diáspora, Jorge Macchi, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy.
La cathédrale engloutie, Jorge Macchi, Musée Cantonal Des Beux Arts, Lausanne. Curated by Laurence Schmidlin.
Cámara traslúcida, Jorge Macchi, Galería Ruth Benzacar, Buenos Aires. Texts by Laura Hakel.
Suspension points, Jorge Macchi, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy. Curated by Laura Hakel.
Der Zauberberg, Quartz Studio, Torino, Italy.
Díptico, Jorge Macchi and Nicolás Fernandez Sanz, Galería Ruth Benzacar, Buenos Aires.
Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zurich.
, Alexander and Bonin, NY.
Perspectiva, CA2M, Centro de Arte 2 de Mayo, Madrid. Curated by Agustín Pérez Rubio.
Historia Natural, Galeria Luisa Strina, San Pablo.
The Book of Hours, curated by Philippe Van Cauteren, Deinze.
Perspectiva, curated by Agustín Perez Rubio, MALBA (Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires), MNBA ( Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes) and Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires.
Lampo, curated by María Iovino , NC ARTE, Bogota, Colombia.
Spectrum (Choix d' oeuvres 1992-2014), curated by Philippe Cyroulnik, Montbéliard, France.
External memory, Ruth Benzacar Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Prestidigitador, curated by Cuauhtémoc Medina, MUAC, Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo, DF, Mexico.
Container, MAMBA, Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Loop, Alexander and Bonin Gallery, New York, USA.
Container, curated by Fanni Fetzer, Kunstmuseum Luzern, Switzerland. 
Light and Weight, Peter Kilchmann Galerie, Zurich, Switzerland.
Galería Luisa Strina, Sao Paulo, Brazil .
Music Stand Still, SMAK, the Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art, Ghent, Belgium.
Crónicas eventuales, Ruth Benzacar Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Piscina, Instituto Inhotim, Minas Gerias, Brazil.
Rendez vous, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy.
10:51, Kunstlerhaus Bremen, Germany.
Last minute, in collaboration with Edgardo Rudnitzky, Pinacoteca do Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil.
round midnight, Peter Kilchmann Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland.
Anatomia da melancolia, CGAC, Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
The singers' room, in collaboration with Edgardo Rudnitzky, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy.
Jorge Macchi,  monographic exhibition,  curated by  Gabriel Perez Barreiro, Santander Cultural,  Bienal del Mercosur , Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Jorge Macchi, Galería Ruth Benzacar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Gallery Night , Galería Luisa Strina, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
The anathomy of melancholy,  Museo Blanton , Austin, USA.
Light music, two projectys in collaboration with Edgardo Rudnitzky, University Gallery, University of Essex, and Firstsite, Colchester, England.
Due volte nello stesso fiume, Galería Continua, San Gimignano, Italy.
Time machine, Galeria Kilchmann Martin, México DF, Mexico.
Time machine, Galería Distrito4, Madrid, Spain.
Still song, Peter Kilchmann Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland.
Doppelgänger, Casa encendida, Madrid, Spain.
Doppelgänger, Galería Ruth Benzacar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
La Ascensión, in collaboration with Edgardo Rudnitzky, Argentine Pavilion at the Venice Biennial , Palazzo Palagraziussi (Antico Oratorio San Filippo Neri), Venice, Italy.
Buenos Aires Tour, Galería Distrito4, Madrid, Spain.
Galería Luisa Strina, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Fuegos de artificio, Galería Ruth Benzacar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
ENAD, site Aubusson, France.
Fuegos de artificio, Mirta de Mare Gallery, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Le 10Neuf, Centre regional d?art contemporain, Monbéliard, France.
Nocturno, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Incidental music, University Gallery, University of Essex, England.
Música Incidental, Galería Ruth Benzacar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Evidencias circunstanciales, Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The wandering golfer, Museum of Contemporary Art of Antwerp, MUHKA, Belgium.                  
The killing tear, with Miguel Rothschild, Jorge Alyskewycz Gallery, Paris, France.
Extremely recent works, Duende Artists Initiative, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
32 morceaux d'eau, Jorge Alyskewycz Gallery, Paris, France.
Casal de Catalunya, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Galerie Francois Mitaine, Paris, France.
Fundación Banco Patricios, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Galería Alberto Elía, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Pinturas y retablos de fines del siglo XX, Galería Alberto Elía, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Group exhibitions (selection)

Beaufort Triennnal. Curated by Els Wuyts. Beaufort, Belgium.
Mirror of the mind, Jorge M. Pérez Collection. Curated by Patricia Hanna and Anelys Álvarez. Miami.
Un lento venir viniendo, Oxenford Collection. Curated by Mariano Mayer. Fundação Iberê, Porto Alegre.
Argentina. What the night tells the day. Curated by Andrés Duprat and Diego Sileo, PAC, Padiglione d´Arte Contemporanea, Milan.
The Double: Identity and Difference in Art since 1900. Curated by James Meyer. National Gallery of Art, Washington DC.
Seeing and perceiving, King Abdul Aziz Center for World Culture (Ithra) Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
In Prison. Musée de la Croix Rouge, Geneva, Switzerland.
In Prison. Musée de Confluences, Lyon, France.
Photography + Book, Out of the Retine into the Brain. The Art Library of Aaron and Barbara Levine. The Art Institute Chicago, Chicago.
Copy, Translate, Repeat: Contemporary Works from the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Collection. Curated by Harper Montgomery
Take me (I´m yours), Bienalsur, Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo, Buenos Aires. Curated by Christian Boltanski & Hans Ulrich Obrist.
El mundo cabe en una obra, Bienalsur, Memorial de América Latina, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Curated by Jimena Ferreiro.
Doubles, Dobros, Pliegues, Pares, Twins, Mitades, The Warehouse, Dallas, Texas. Curated by Rodrigo Moura.
Kathmandu Triennale, Kathmandu, Nepal. Curated by Phillipe Van Cauteren.
The Queen Falls, OMR Gallery, Mexico. Curated by Anissa Touati and Marc Olivier Wahler.
Homo Ludens, Galeria Luisa Strina, Sao Pablo, Brazil. Curated by Ricardo Sardenberg.
Unfinished, Thoughts Left Visible and Nasreen Mohamedi, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Mirror Images, Art and Medicine, Museum of Medicine History, Berlin, Germany.
Now! Biennial of the Americas, Denver, USA.
Eppur si muove - Art and technique, MUDAM, Luxemburg.
My Buenos Aires, curated by Albertine de Galbert and Paula Aisemberg, Maison Rouge, Paris, France.
BP15, Argentine Biennial of Performance, Centro Cultural Kirchner (CCK), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Do Objeto para o mundo, Inhotim Collection, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
20 Years of Art from Latin America, University of Essex, England.
In situ - Art in Public Space , organized by Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación, Bariloche, Argentina.
Daros Latinamerica Collection, Fondation Beyeler, Basel, Switzerland. 
The Call of Destiny, LIMAC, Museum of Contemporary Art of Lima, Peru.
Naturaleza Morta, Inhotim Institute, Brumadinho, Brazil. 
Latin America, 1963-2013 , Fondation Cartier for Contemporary Art, Paris, France. 
Saber Desconocer, 43 (inter) National Salon of Artists, curated by Mariángela Méndez Prenke, Oscar Roldán Alzate, Florencia Malbrán, Rodrigo Moura and Javier Mejía, Medellin, Colombia. 
Art Unlimited, Art Basel, Switzerland.
A possibility of escape, curated by Agustín Perez Rubio, EACC, Espai d'art contemporani de Castelló , Spain.
Slow Burn, An index of possibilities, Fundament Foundation, Tillburg, The Netherland.
Brigdes and borders,  curated by Sigismond de Vajay, PCdV, Cultural Park of Valparaiso, Chile.
Shock of the news, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, USA.
Art and the city, Zurich, Switzerland.
Facing Walls, Opening Windows, Galleria Continua, Beijing, China. 
7º Biennial of  Liverpool, curated by Lorenzo Fusi, Liverpool, England. 
18º Biennial of Sydney , All our relations, curated by Catherine de Zegher and Gerald Mc Master, Sydney, Australia. 
A house full of music. Strategies in Music and Art 1912-2012, curated by  Ralf Beil, Mathildenhöhe Institute, Darmstadt, Germany.
Air de Lyon, curated by Victoria Noorthoorn Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Lines of thought , curated by Ziba Ardanal, Parasol, Foundation for Contemporary Art, London, England.
Los impolíticos, curated by Laura Bardier, EAC, Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo, Montevideo, Uruguay. 
Notations : under the influence of John Cage, curated by Joachim Pissarro, Bibi Calderaro and Julio Grinblatt, Hunter College, The City University of New York, New York, USA. 
Foreigners, MUAC, Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo, Ciudad de México, Mexico. 
Under Construction. Teixeira de Freitas Collection, curated by Adriano Pedrosa, TEA, Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Tenerife, Spain. 
The peripatetic school: Itinerant drawing from Latin America, MIMA, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, England.
A terrible beauty is born, 11º Lyon Biennial , curated by Victoria Noorthorn,  France.
Untitled (12th ?stanbul Biennial), curated by Adriano Pedrosa and Jeff Hoffmann, Turkey.
The Peripatetic School : Itinerant drawing from Latin America, curated by Tanya Barson,The Drawing Room, London, England.
Um Outro Lugar, MAM - Museu de Arte Moderna de Sao Paulo, Brazil.
El Rayo verde, curated by Solana Molina Viamonte, Galería Ruth Benzacar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Radical Shift, curated by Heike Van den Valentyn , Morsbroich Museum, Leverkusen, Cologne, Germany.
All of this and nothing, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, USA.
Unresolved Circumstances: Video Art from Latin America, MOLAA, Museum of Latin American Art, California, USA.
Of Bridges and Borders, curated by Sigismond de Vajay, Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Echoes, curated by Jean-Paul Felley y Olivier Kaese, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris, France.
Membres fantômes - variations sur un theme de Peter Szendy, Galerie Xippas, Paris, France.
It´s the End of the World as We Know it/La fin du monde tel que nous le connaissons, curated by Bettina Steinbrügge, La Kunsthalle Mulhouse Centre d'Art Contemporain, Mulhouse, France.
Yesterday will be better, Aagauer Kunsthaus, Switzerland.
From the past to the present - Migrations , Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Freeze, curated by Caroline Bøge, NILS STÆRK Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Everything is out there, curated by Rosa Lleó and Zaida Trallero, La casa encendida, Madrid, Spain.
Model Kits, Thinking Latin America from MUSAC Collection ,Musac, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, Léon, Spain.
4ta Trienal de Auckland, Last Ride in a Hot Air Balloon, curated by Natasha Conland, Auckland Triennial, Auckland, New Zeland.
Ordinary revolutions, Morsbroich Museum, Leverkusen, Germany.        
Moby-Dick, CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco, USA.
Mamoygua opá mamo pupé, 31 º Panorama del arte Brasilenia, MAM Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Los impolíticos , PAN, Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli, Naple, Italy.
Escuelismo - Arte argentino de los 90, MALBA Colección Costantini, Museo de      Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Deux pièces, Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zurich, Switzerland.
Private Universes: Media Works, curated by María del Corral, Dallas Museum of Art, USA.
Extranjerías, Espacio Fundación Telefónica, curated by Andrea Giunta, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Prospect 1 New Orleans, curated by Dan Cameron, Bayou Saint John, New Orleans, USA.
Places, Instituto Cultural Inhotim, Brumadinho, Brazil.
Points of View, Instituto Cultural Inhotim, Brumadinho, Brazil.
Yokohama Triennale, Japan.
Cancelled, Erased and Removed, Sean Kelly Gallery, New York, USA.
Face to Face - The Daros Collections, Zurich, Switzerland.
Shake befote use, curated by Enrique Martinez Goikoetxea Artium de Álava, Centro - Museo Vasco de arte contemporáneo ,Victoria, Spain.
Limite Sud, Municipal Exhibition Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Order.Light.Desire, An exhibition of contemporary drawings, IMMA, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Irland.
Brave new world, curated by Yasmil Raymond, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, USA.
Signes d?existence, MAC Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Arte, deshonra y violencia en el contexto Iberoamericano, curated by Patricia Betancur and Luis Camnitzer, CCE Centro Cultural de España, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Projections, Le 10 neuf, Centre régional d'art contemporain, Montbeliard, France.
¡Viva la Muerte!, Kunst und Tod in Lateinamerika , Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria.
Unsung, curated by Dan Cameron, Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York, USA.
27 º Sao Paulo Biennial, Brazil.
Contrabando, Galeria Luisa Strina, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Cruce de miradas, Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, Palacio de Bellas Artes, City of Mexico, Mexico.
Wall Drawings, Albion Gallery, London, England.
Espacio interior, Sala Alcalá, Madrid, Spain.
51 º Venice Biennial, The experience of ar, curated by María de Corral, Italian Pavilion, Venice, Italy.
Romance, Galería Cristina Guerra, Lisboa, Portugal.
Farsites, curated by Adriano Pedrosa,  San Diego-Tijuana, USA.
Praga Biennial, Czech Republic.
Artists in residence,  Artspace San Antonio, Texas, USA.
26º Sao Paulo Biennial, Brazil.
Réplica, with Cristian Roman ,  curated by Jennfer Teets,  MUCA Roma, City of México, Mexico.
Entre el silencio y la violencia, Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Treble, Sculpture Center, curated by Regine Basha, New York, USA.
El secreto , CCEBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
A nova geometría, Galería Fortes-Vilaça, Sao Paulo, Brazil.Panorama del arte Brasileño (desarrumado) 19 desarranjos. MAM, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
8º Istambul Biennial, Turkey.
4º Bienal del Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
A parasite showing, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Between silence and violence, argentine contemporary art , Sotheby's, New York, USA.
25 Hs, Video International exhibition , Barcelona, Spain.
Fortaleza Biennial, Brazil.
Reality check,  Hengevoss-Dürkop Gallery, Hamburg, Germany.
El fin del eclipse, Fundación Telefónica, Madrid, Spain.
Palabras perdidas, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
12 views, The Drawing Center, New York, USA.
Mouvements immobiles, Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Argentina por debajo de la línea del horizonte, FNA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
7º La Habana Biennial, Cuba.
2º Sound Art Festival Humor y aliento, Galería Acceso A, City of Mexico, Mexico.
The cutting edge, Arco Fair, Galería Ruth Benzacar, Madrid, Spain.
1999, Casa de América, Madrid, Spain.
Fotografía Argentina, Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Fotografía Argentina Contemporánea, Museum of Contemporary Art of  Bahía  Blanca, Bahía Blanca, Argentina.
Collection of Latin-American Art of the University of Essex, Casa de América, Madrid, Spain.
Sight-seeing, Schloss Pluschow, Germany.
Otra fotografía, Galería Ruth Benzacar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Balance 98, Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Autorretratos-autobiografías, Galería Centoira, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Artists'House , Delfina, Londres, Inglaterra.
En tránsito, Fundación Banco Patricios, Buenos Aires
En tránsito, Museo del Chopo, City of Mexico, Mexico.
Miradas desde el sur, a travelling exhibition of independent cinema and video, organized by Fundación Antorchas and Rockefeller Foundation.
Searching south, two southamerican artists, with Arturo Duclos, John Hansard Gallery, University of Southampton, Southhampton, England.
70, 80, 90, National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Buenos Aires Video 7, Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
El plagio es necesario, homenaje a Lautreamont, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Cairo Biennial participation, CAYC, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Braque Prize, Fundación Banco Patricios, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Installations, Salas Nacionales de Cultura, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Deutsche Bank Prize, Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Oie como va, exhibition curated by Mario Flecha at Reconquista 1030, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Fortabat Biennal, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Video Fest Berlin '93, Germany.
Buenos Aires Video 5, Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Del objeto al fetiche, Castagnino Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Konex Biennale, Salas Nacionales de Cultura, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Decouvertes, Grand Palais, Paris, France.
L'atelier de Buenos Aires, CREDAC, Ivry-Sur-Seine, France.
The ?80s at the MAM, Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
A vision of argentinian contemporary art (1940-1990), Patio Bullrich, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Fortabat Biennal, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Menor o igual que 30, Fundación Banco Patricios, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Cuenca Biennal, Cuenca, Ecuador.
Fundación Nuevo Mundo Prize, National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Mitos y Ritos en los ?80s, Centoira Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Beyond the Object, Patio Bullrich, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Fundación Banco de Crédito Argentino Prize for young sculptors '89, Badii Museum, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Eureka, Castagino Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Retorno y Presencia, Ruth Benzacar Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Nine painters of the new generation, Ruth Benzacar Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
X Group, Castagnino Museum, Rosario; Sivori Museum, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Fortabat Biennal, Fundación Fortabat, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Grants and Residences (selection)

ArtPace, San Antonio, Texas. USA.
Civitella Ranieri Fellowship, Italy.
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, New York, USA.
Fondo Nacional de las Artes Fellowship, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Subsidy for Artistic Creation , Fundación Antorchas, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Schloss Plüschow, Germany.
Delfina Studios Trust, England.
Duende Artists Initiative, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Cité des Arts, Paris, France.

Public collections (selection)

Tate Modern, London, England.
MOMA, New York, USA.
MUSAC, Museum of Contemporary Art, Leon, Spain.
CGAC, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
CA2M, Centro de Arte 2 de Mayo, Madrid, Spain.
Fundación Banco de la Nación Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Museum of Modern Art Buenos Aires, Argentina.
MACRO , Museum of Contemporary Art of Rosario, Argentina.
MUHKA, Antwerp, Belgium.
Museo del Barrio, New York, USA.
SMAK, the municipal Museum of Contemporary Art of Ghent, Belgium.
Fundación Arco, Spain.
Collection of the Province of Hainaut, Belgium.
MALI, Museum of Art, Lima, Perú.
Musee d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain de Nice (MAMAC), France.
Museum of Contemporary Art of Vigo, Spain.