


10 texts in vinyl on the wall.
Variable dimensions.

This work is the result of several years working with police news from the newspaper Crónica from Buenos Aires . During these years I noticed there were some phrases that appeared in different news: cuerpo sin vida (lifeless body), macabro hallazgo (macabre finding), cuerpos en avanzado estado de descomposición (bodies in an advanced state of decomposition), etc. For this project I selected pairs of news that share the same phrase and at the same time that share the same amount of text and the position of the phrase in the text. This material allowed me to work with symmetric forms that touch each other in one point, the point where the news share the same phrase. This phrase works as a bridge between two different stories, a passage between two realities formally identical but completely different in content.

Doppelgänger is the German word for the phenomenon of the double, with many examples in literature (William Wilson by Poe), or cinema ( Lost highway by David Lynch).